東北関東大震災被災地の洋学資料(上) 池田文庫洋書管見












1.Voltaire, The History of Charles XII. King of Sweden. By Mr. De Voltaire. Translated from the French. The Third Edition. London, C. Davis, A Lyon, 1732.

2.Raynal, Abbé, A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans itn the East and West Indies. Newly translated from the French, By J.O. Justamond. London, W. Strahan, T. Cadell, 1783. 8 vols.

3.Robertson, William, The History of America. The Eleventh Edition. In Four Volumes. London, 1808. 4 vols.

4.Fox, Charles James, A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second Reign of James the Second. London, William Miller, 1808.

5.Botta, Charles, History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Translated from the Italian, By George Alexander Otis. Philadelphial; Printed for the Translator. 1820. 3 vols.

6.Wilson, James, A Journal of Two Successive Tours upon the Continent, in the Years 1816, 1817, & 1818. In three Volumes. Vol. I. London, T. Cadell and W. Davies; Edingburgh, W. Mackwood, 1820.

7.Prior, James, Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burk. London, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1824.

8.Campe, Histoire et découvertes de l’Amérique, et voyages des premiers navigateurs au Nouveau-Monde. Traduits de l’allemand de Campe; précédés d’une notice biographique sur Campe, par Mr. de Larenaudière, l’un des collaborateurs de la Biographie Universelle. Paris, F. Denn, 1827.

9.Worsley, Israel, A View of the American Indians. Their General Characters, Custums, Language, Public Festivals, Religious Rites, and Traditions. Shewing them to be the Descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
London, Printed for the Author, and sold by R. Hunter, 1828.

10. Wilson, Richard, A System of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry; to which is added a Treatise on Logarithms. Cambridge, J. & J.J. Deighton, T. Stevenson, and R. Newby; London, Whittaker, Treacher and Co., 1831.
標題紙の蔵書印未詳。p. [v], Prefaceの余白に典拠の一つ、Poinsot’s Sections Angulairesについて、「”Recherches sur l’Analyse des Sections Angulaires.” Paris, 1825.」との書き入れあり。

11. Mittford, William, The History of Greece. In Ten Volumes. London, T. Cadell; Edinburgh, W. Blackwood. 1835. 10 vols.

12. Waylen, Edward, Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. New York, Wiley and Putnam, 1846.
遊紙裏に「John K. Ochiai W.T.S. Chicago 1897」とのペン書き、および「明治四拾二年七月三十日落合吉之助氏より寄贈」との墨書、標題紙に「仙台基督教青年会印」あり。のちに聖公会神学院第二代院長となった落合吉之助(1870-1942)は明治26年(1893)にシカゴの西部神学校(W.T.S. : the Western Theological Seminary)に入学、明治31年(1898)に卒業。翌年帰国。東京聖三一神学校教授をへて、明治35年〜40年まで仙台基督教会に勤め、仙台YMCAの創設(明治38年6月)に深く関わった。

13. Merivale, Charles, A History of the Romans under the Empire. London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1850. Vol. I.

14. Bomhoff, Dirk, English and Dutch Dictionary.

15. Alison, Bart, Archibald, History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in MDCCLXXXIX to the Restoration of the Bourbon in MDCCCXV. Ninth Edition. Edinburgh, London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1853. 13 vols.

16. Lewis, Georg Cornewall, An Inquiry into the Credibility of the Early Roman History. In two Volumes. Vol. I. London, John W. Parker and Son, 1855.

17. Witt, Cornelis de, Histoire de Washington et de la foundation de la République des Etats-Unis. Précédée d’une etude historique sur Washington par M. Guizot. Nouvelle edition. Paris, Didier, 1859.

18. Taylor, W.C., History of France and Normandy, from the earliest times to the Year 1860. Thirty first American, from the authorized English edition. Philadelphia, Charles Desilver, etc. 18**(?).
刊行年未確認。Pinnock’s School Seriesの一冊。

19. Froude, James Anthony, History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. The Third Edition, Revised. London, Parker, Son, and Bourn, 1862.

20.Catalogue of the Natural History Library of the Linnean Society of London. Part I. Separate Works and Papers arranged under the Names of Authors. London, 1866.

21. Taylor, W.C., A Manual of Ancient and Modern History. 11th ed. New York, D. Appleton, 1867.
遊紙表に「上原馬太蔵本」の墨書あり。遊紙裏の剥落した蔵書印の印文を「熊本県上原方立」と鉛筆でなぞる。裏表紙の遊紙に「肥后八代之人大坂嶌内協会故牧師上原方立君之有 十七年十二月一日 以金七拾五銭購」との墨書あり。

22. Parker, Richard Green, Outlines of General History, in the Form of Question and Answer : Designed as the Foundation and the Review of a Course of Historical Reading. A New Edition, with Additions. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1868.
見返しの貼紙に「第二百九十九号 パークル氏 一般歴史」の墨書。遊紙に「外国/本屋/薬種屋/道具屋/横浜本町通/八十四番/ハルトリー/并ニ江戸大坂/商売仕候」印、「ハルトリー/大坂/十□番」印。標題紙に「阪府洋学校印」および「第三高等学校□□之□」(消却印)あり。阪府洋学校は明治2年9月大阪に設置された文系の中等教育機関で、同年5月に設置された舎密局とならんで、第三高等中学(のちの第三高等学校)のルーツにあたる。

23. Ozaneaux, M.G., Histoire de France. Cinquième édition. Tome second. Paris, Charles Delagrave, 1869.
見返しに「第一高等中学/図書番号 No. 11」のラベル、遊紙に「明治二十七年八月二十二日寺町二條上ル 書肆ニテ求之 代二十五銭 喜多村重孝」とのペン字書き入れ。略標題紙に「東京法学校図書之印」「明治九年三月改書」印、および「No 1571」の朱書。標題紙に「東京大学予備門図書」「司法省図書記」印あり。p. [V]に「(第)一高(等)中学(校)図書」の割り印あり。裏表紙の遊紙に「京都梅原書店」印。内容は16〜19世紀のフランス史概説。

24. Guizot, General History of Civilization in Europe, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Ninth American, from the Second English Edition. With Occasional Notes, by C.S. Henry. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1869.
遊紙に「ハルトリー/大坂/十六番」印、「Sept. 25. 1900. H. Yui」とのペン書き。標題紙に「学校係印」の印(「消」の墨書付)、「第五号」の墨書、「S.S.Library」の印あり。巻末書店広告の最終ページに「三十一年四月三十日」印、裏見返し遊紙に「Suzuki」との墨書あり。
「学校係印」は明治3年11月開校し、同5年8月に金沢中学となった「金沢学校」の蔵書印であり、「金沢学校」加賀藩明倫堂の後身である。『金沢泉丘高等学校蔵書善本解題目録』(昭和56)「序説」(山森青硯)の「七 蔵書印について」および蔵書印図版の影印第12番参照。

25. Mitchell’s New School Geography. Philadelphia, Published By E. H. Butler. n.d. [1870?]

26. Worcester, Joseph E., Dictionary of the English Language. Boston, Brewer and Tilleston, 1871.

27. Patton, J. Harris, The History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent to the Close of the Thirty-Sixth Congress. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1871.

28. Erckmann-Chatrian, Histoire du plébiscite racontée par un des 7,500,00 oui. Onzième edition. Paris, J. Hetzel, 1872.

29. Grote, George, A History of Greece, from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation Contemporary with Alexander the Great. 4th ed. in ten volumes. Vol. I. London, John Murray, 1872.

30. Froude, James Anthony, The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. In Three Volumes. Vol. I. London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1872. 3 vols.

31. Macauley, Lord, The History of England from the Accession of James the Second. A New Edition in Two Volumes. London, Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer, 1877.

32. Duyckinck, Evert Augustus, Lives and Portraits of the Presidents of the United States. New York, Johnson, Wilson & Company. n.d.

33. Ducoudray, Gustave, Histoire contemporaine depuis 1789 jusqu’à nos jours. Neuvième édition. Paris, Hachette, s.d.

34. Parley, Peter, Universal history, on the basis of geography. For the use of families, public and private schools. With numerous maps, corrected to date, by E.R.G. Twenty-first edition. London, William Tegg, n.d.
「斎藤」印、「O. Saito」「Sendai Nippon」の鉛筆書き入れあり。

35. Havard, Henry, Histoire de la peinture hollandaise. Nouvelle édition. Paris, Alcide Picard, s.d.
「Bibliothèque Alliance Française Chang-Haï」印あり。

36. Mitford, A.B., Geschichte von Sakura Sogoro. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von G.J. Kohl. Mit Illustrationen. Tokio, Verlag von S. Kato, 1884.
奥付に「明治十七年九月三日出版御届 同年同月 出版」「出版人 開新堂 加藤鎮吉」とあり。

37. Shiga, Shigetaka, History of Nations, Specially Adapted for Japanese Students. Supervised by W.D. Cox. Tokyo, Z.P. Maruya, 1888.
遊紙に「文部省検定済 尋常中学校英語科用書」朱印あり。奥付に「明治二十一年十二月三十日合本出版」「著作者 愛知県士族 志賀重昴」「発行者 東京府士族 小柳津 要人」「印刷者 廣瀬安七」「発兌 丸善商社書店」とあり。「合本定価金壱円」印あり。

38. Peter Parley’s Universal History, on the Basis of Geography. A New Edition, brought down to the Present Day. Illustrated by 20 Maps and 125 Engravings. Tokyo and Osaka: Rikugo-Kwan. 1889.

39. Macleod, Henry Dunning, The Elements of Banking. From London Edition. Tokyo, O. Yegusa Uhikaku, 188*(?).
標題紙に「賞与 明治廿五年七月十五日 東京専門学校」印あり。刊年未確認。

40. Swinton, William, Outlines of the World’s History, Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern, with Special Relation to the History of Civilization and the Progress of Mankind. For use in the Higher Classes in Public Schools, and in High Schools, Academies, Seminaries, etc. New York and Chicago, Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor, and Company. n.d.
奥付に「(スウ井ントン万国史) 明治十九年十月廿五日飜刻出版御届(…)同二十六年四月 第十版」「発行人 戸田直秀」「印刷人 坪内直益」「発兌元 細川芳之助」「同 細川清助」とあり。

41. Salmon, George, A Treatise on Conic Sections. Tokyo, Printer S. Tamura. [Reprint of ] Sixth Edition. London, Longmans, Green, and Co., n.d.
奥付に「明治三十一年十二月一日印刷 明治三十一年十二月二十五日発行」「飜刻兼発行印刷者 田村茂太郎」「印刷所 田村印刷所」。青刷りの標題紙に「坂本嶋嶺」のペン書き署名あり。青刷り標題紙の次の飜刻標題紙に「Kegelschitte」の書き入れあり。

42. Guizot, General History of Civilization in Europe, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Ninth American, from the Second English Edition. With Occasional Notes, by C.S. Henry. Tokio, Kaishindo & Kato, Jiujiya J. Iwafuji & Co., 1891.

43. Thorpe, Francis Newton (ed.), Benjamin Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1893.

44. Greene, D.C. (ed.), The Christian Movement in Japan. Eighth Annual Issue. October, 1900. Published for the Conference of Federated Missions. Tokyo, Kyobunkwan.

45. Kudo, Tazaburo, The Ethics of Confucius. Tokyo, Methodist Publishing House, 1904.

46. Rouffaer, G.P. en W.C. Muller, Catalogus der Koloniale Bibliotheek van het Kon. Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned. Indië en het Indisch Genootschap. ‘s Gravenhage, M. Nijhofff, 1908.

47. Kuiper, J. Feestra, Japan en de buitenwereld in de achttiende eeuw. ‘s Gravenhage, M. Nijhofff, 1921.

48. Plékhanov, Georges, Introduction à l’histoire sociale de la Russie. Traduite du russe en français par Mme Batault-Plékhanov. Paris, Editions Bossard, 1926.
本文p. 1に「昭和六年四月ヨリ始む」とのペン書き。本文冒頭に訳語の書き入れ多数。池田哲郎の手になるものであろう。

49. Zamenhof, L.L., Fundamenta krestomatio de la lingvo esperanto. Paris, Esperantista Centra Librejo, 1927.
